I’m very happy to announce that the new Helping Older Parents Podcast is now live and available for you to listen, alongside the existing Better Health While Aging Podcast!
You can find all the new Helping Older Parents Podcast episodes here, and over 100 existing Better Health While Aging Podcast episodes here.

And now, let me answer some of the questions people have already asked me about the shows and about listening to podcasts.
What is a podcast?
A podcast is a series of audio recordings that you can download or stream from the Internet. This means you can listen whenever you want. Most podcasts are “shows” with episodes regularly released every 1-2 weeks, or sometimes even every day.
A podcasting app or program can be used to find a specific podcast and play the episodes. If you “subscribe” or “follow” a podcast, you’ll be able to easily see when new episodes of the podcast are available.
Do I have to pay anything to listen?
Nope! Listening to or subscribing to my podcasts is free.
How can I listen to the podcast?
Here are three different ways you can listen to the podcast. If you have a smartphone, I recommend using that to listen, because then you can listen while walking or otherwise moving about.
1. Stream the audio by clicking the play button on our website episode page:
- Each podcast episode will be published on an episode page on this site, like this one.
- Whether you view the page on a computer or mobile device, you’ll see a “player” near the top of the page. Press play to stream the audio.
- Note: With this method, you can only listen while connected to the Internet. To download episodes, you’ll need to use a podcasting app or iTunes on your computer.
2. Listen using the iTunes application on a Mac or PC computer:
- iTunes is a free Apple program available for both Mac and PC. Download it here if you don’t already have it.
- Find the podcast in iTunes by:
- Clicking on this Better Health While Aging podcast link, or this Helping Older Parents podcast link from any web browser on your computer, then clicking “Listen on Apple Podcasts.” This should open the iTunes application and show you the podcast right away.
- Alternative: within the iTunes application itself, click “iTunes Store” and then enter “Better Health While Aging” or “Helping Older Parents” into the search box in the upper right corner.
- You will then see the episodes and you can stream them.
- If you subscribe to the podcast in iTunes, it will save episodes and you can play them while offline.
- Clicking on this Better Health While Aging podcast link, or this Helping Older Parents podcast link from any web browser on your computer, then clicking “Listen on Apple Podcasts.” This should open the iTunes application and show you the podcast right away.
3. Listen with your smartphone or tablet:
- For iOS (e.g. Apple device) users: iPhones and iPads now come with a Podcasts app pre-installed.
- Search the Podcasts app for “Helping Older Parents” or “Better Health While Aging.” Once the app finds it, it will show you the latest episodes and you can listen to them.
- Select ‘Follow Show’ to make it easy to find the podcast again the next time you open the Podcasts app.
- For more on how to use the iOS Podcasts app, see here.
- For Android users (Samsung, Motorola, LG, etc.):
- You’ll need to download a podcasting app from the Google Play store. Some options include:
- Use the search box to find “Helping Older Parents” or “Better Health While Aging.” You should then be able to view episodes and listen to them.
- Subscribe to the podcast to make it easy to find the recent episodes.
Note: on a smartphone or tablet, you may have to check the settings in order to stream or download episodes when you are not connected to wi-fi.
What will you cover on the podcasts?
The Better Health While Aging episodes are usually a mix of my explaining a topic or problem, interviews with other experts, and answers to audience questions. I cover a range of aging health topics and some family caregiving challenges.
The Helping Older Parents podcast will focus on issues that especially come up for those who are caring for an aging parent.
Each episode will be published with “show notes” that will include links to helpful resources and articles related to the episode. You can find all the episode pages and show notes by clicking “Podcast” button in the main menu of this site. You can also post any questions or comments about what you heard in the comments section of each episode page.
Is there any way I can help?
Yes! If you like the podcasts — or if you’ve appreciated this website — please spread the word and help me grow the audience!
Specific things you can do to support the podcasts are:
- Follow in iTunes or in the iOS Podcasts app, then leave a rating and review
- For instructions on leaving a rating and review on an iphone, click here. This will help the podcast appear in the New & Noteworthy section of Apple Podcasts, so that people who are browsing the Health section can find it more easily.
- Note: Once you’re listening to the podcast in iTunes or the Podcasts app, it only takes one click to follow, and another click to leave a rating. So don’t worry if you’re short on time or don’t feel like typing. Just subscribing and rating will be very helpful!
- Spread the word about the podcast
- Tell your friends and family about the podcast if they are interested in aging health, or worried about an older relative.
- Use the share buttons on the website to share an episode page on social media, or by email.
You can also help by getting in touch with me if there’s something you particularly liked — or didn’t like — about an episode or the show overall. This will help me improve the show.
Thank you in advance for supporting the show and this website, it means a lot to me.
Can I share an idea for an episode?
Yes please! I’d love to know what topics my readers and listeners are most eager to hear about, or what kinds of questions you’d like me to help with.
Click here to send me your idea, or post it in the comments below.
Denise Tuttle says
Thanks for your kindness and encouragement. I hope you will be able to speak on caregivers dilemma on how guilt of not wanting to watch our parents die but are the only one who can. It causes some drastic confusion and often times shame mixed with love. You are a tremendous help to me as there are so few willing to be in the Geriatrics field. Thanh you Dr. Leslie.
Nicole Didyk, MD says
Hi Denise and on behalf of Dr. Kernisan, thank you for your very kind words. Dr. K has incredible insight about caring for older parents in her Helping Older Parents membership and course. You can join the wait list and find out more here.