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Is Your Aging Parent OK?
What to check & how to talk about itWondering how to know if an aging parent needs help? Or trying to find out what to do when they need help? Dr. K explains exactly what warning signs to check for and what to say (and not say!) when you talk to your parent about your concerns. Use this approach to be more effective,…
4 Types of Brain-Slowing Medication to Avoid if You’re Worried About Memory
Many commonly-used medications affect memory brain function in the short-term and in the long-term. These can make Alzheimer’s symptoms worse, and have been linked to developing dementia. Here are the four types of medications to avoid, or use with caution.
8 Things to Have the Doctor Check After an Aging Person Falls
Learn to prevent falls in older adults by making sure you get the right evaluation after a fall happens. Here are eight things that should be checked at the doctor’s office.
Beyond Alzheimer’s:
Common Types of Dementia in AgingAlzheimer’s is common, but it’s actually rare for older adults with dementia to have pure Alzheimer’s. Here are other common types of dementia to know about, including vascular dementia, Lewy Body dementia, and many other types. Plus, why mixed dementia is so common and how this affects treatment and management of dementia in later life.
Hospital Delirium: What to know & do
Delirium is a state of worse-than-usual mental confusion, which affects up to 30% of older adults during hospitalization and has been linked with acceleration of cognitive decline. It’s even more common after major surgery and in the intensive care unit. Learn to take steps to prevent this dangerous complication, and to get help quickly if…
6 Steps to Better High Blood Pressure Treatment for Older Adults
Here’s how to know if you should be worried about hypertension treatment. Learn to make sure BP is measured accurately, what BP to aim for, & what to ask the doctor.
Cognitive Impairment in Aging: 10 Common Causes & 10 Things the Doctor Should Check
Have you been worried about an older person’s memory or thinking abilities? Maybe your parent has seemed more confused recently. Or you may have noticed that your aging spouse is repeating herself, or struggling to do things that didn’t use to pose much of a problem. Or you may have noticed false accusations, or irrational…
6 Steps to Take When Aging Parents Need Help โ Even if Theyโre Resisting
Here are the steps to take if you’ve noticed worrisome problems and think your aging parent might need help. Learn how to respectfully engage them and move towards needed changes, even if they’re refusing or won’t accept that there’s a safety issue at hand.
Tools for caregivers: Keeping & Organizing Medical Information
Learn what type of medical information is most useful to keep copies of. This post lists the pros and cons of going low-tech versus high-tech with personal health records. I also cover three key questions to ask yourself, before choosing a method of keeping copies of medical information.